Minneapolis, MN – UniversalSystems today announced that they had filed a suit against MarCom Technologies, Inc. a subsidiary of the French Company SR Teleperformance (Paris Stock Exchange: code Sicovam 5180). The suit alleges that MarCom has attempted to sell a Right Party Distribution System that infringes on US patent 6,285,752 owned by UniversalSystems.

Blake Rice, founder and CEO of UniversalSystems commented “We have taken this action to protect an investment in research and development that has taken us more than 7 years to bring to fruition. Now that The UniversalSystems Accelerator model and its outsourcing services have been validated, it was inevitable that certain organizations would disregard our patent, and test our determination to defend and protect what UniversalSystems has created.”

The UniversalSystems Accelerator is a technology that dramatically increases productivity within a outbound call center. By splitting an agent population into Operators and Collectors, and by using the Operators to screen for Right Party Contacts (RPCs), productivity improvements of 30 ?100% and more can be made. Furthermore, the deployment of this technology as an Application Service Provider (ASP) model allows fractional outsourcing of the Operator staff and/or the dialing equipment itself, providing customers of the service with a high penetration and low cost alternative to expensive staffing and technology.

About UniversalSystems
UniversalSystems develops, markets, and supports software solutions for call centers. Created in 1995, it has developed the UniversalSystems Accelerator and the UniversalSystems Accelerator/ASP from concepts born at the Bureau of Collections Recovery, a 3rd party collections agency. UniversalSystems has partnership agreements with Avaya Inc. (AV), and other predictive dialer manufacturers, and is a major sponsor of the Mosaix User Group. UniversalSystems is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN and on the World Wide Web at www.UniversalSystems.net. For additional information call 1-888-293-8573 or email paulmac@universalsystems.net

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