Private sector employment increased by 368,000 in June, according to today’s ADP National Employment Report(SM). The ADP National Employment Report, created by ADP® Employer Services in partnership with Macroeconomic Advisers, LLC, is based on actual payroll data and measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month.

“ADP is the leader in payroll, human resources and benefits services which provides us an unrivaled perspective about the U.S. labor market. The ADP National Employment Report is based on a monthly sampling of active payroll data,” said Gary Butler, President and Chief Operating Officer of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. “As a result, the ADP National Employment Report is unique in that no other estimate of employment is based on credible payroll data using methods similar to those used by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to estimate establishment employment.”

“Total nonfarm private employment grew 368,000 from May to June on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the ADP National Employment Report,” said Joel Prakken, Chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, LLC. “These findings indicate a strong acceleration of employment in June.”

Interpreting the Report

Providing real-time information about employment in the United States, the ADP National Employment Report is an insightful analysis of American business and economic conditions. Findings are represented as both a monthly employment level number and a change in monthly employment level number. Employment level represents the total number of private sector jobs present in the U.S. economy at a single point in time. Change in monthly employment level represents the increase or decrease in the total nonfarm private employment level since the prior month. The data in this report does not include a monthly change in Government employment.

Based on a historical analysis of over 5 years of payroll data and a monthly review of approximately 500,000 U.S. business clients, the ADP National Employment Report provides a measure of U.S. employment and is a useful resource for economic, business, and policy decision-makers. Rigorous economic and statistical methods, including filtering out volatility, adjusting for seasonality, and aligning pay periods, are applied to all payroll records. Macroeconomic Advisers’ expertise in economic forecasting is leveraged to model and validate the data collected.

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