Five Regional Health hospitals in the Black Hills of South Dakota are changing their payment programs. The change causing the most conversation/consternation is its forgoing of long-term, interest-free payment plans on about $15 million in unpaid hospital bills.

Regional has about $60 million in outstanding hospital bills at any time, Mark Thompson, vice president of finance, explained to the Rapid City Journal. About $15 million of that is currently on long-term payment plans that can stretch out over years, in some cases.

Patients with outstanding bills will be offered a one-time 40 percent discount if they pay their bill in full or make plans within 30 days to pay the remaining balance within an agreed-upon time.

For those who can’t or don’t pay, or who do not contact the hospital to arrange a payment plan, the hospital has contracted to transfer those accounts to Medical Credit Resources, which will charge a 12 percent annual interest fee on the balance.

New patients who take longer than 90 days to pay their bills also will have their accounts transferred to Medical Credit Resources.

Next Article: Study Finds Patients Paying with Credit
