On June 21st Fletch Data will begin offering a flat rate program for its electronic directory assistance product. Fletch Data, which began operations in May 2005 offers both an interactive on-line directory assistance and skip tracing tool, as well as a process called Volume Account Transaction processing or VAT.

?Many of our prospective customers have asked for an option of a flat rate usage plan? said Dan Exline, founder of Fletch Data, LLC. Exline added, ?Our TracSnap Flat Rate plans start as low as $29.95 a month for a maximum number of hits. If the customer needs more hits, they can be purchased in $5 or $10 increments. In the event the customer does not use all of the hits in their plan limit, some of the plans will allow the customer to stock pile the hits for next month. It?s a great way to cost control for small and large companies?.

Fletch Data contracts with DataServ (a division of VoltDelta) of Blue Bell PA to supply its customer?s access to a database of names, address, and telephone numbers that are updated by DataServ on a daily basis. Gary Steck of DataServ said ?it is a fantastic opportunity to partner with Dan Exline and Fletch Data because of the 20 year history Dan has in the collection and skip trace fields. Dan has brought a lot of insight in terms of understanding the needs of the collection industry and we are working together to expand and enhance future offerings.?

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