The Texas Credit Union League (TCUL) has designated TNB Card Services as its endorsed debit card processing provider for TCUL?s 600 plus member credit unions. That designation is in addition to TCUL?s recognition of TNB as its preferred business affiliate for credit card processing, which has been in effect since TNB began its card program in 1976.

The TCUL endorsement of TNB?s debit card program recognizes TNB as the preferred provider for all electronic payments, including credit card, agent, and PIN and signature debit solutions.

TNB?s full-service plastic payment solutions offer Texas credit unions a single-source provider for all payment processing and agent solution needs.

?TNB?s exemplary security practices for its card services provide a major benefit to our credit unions,? said Tom Hodge, vice president, sales and marketing of TCUL. ?Credit unions using TNB?s card payment services can increase member benefits and revenue through turnkey marketing programs, and lower losses due to card security issues. The security capabilities of TNB exceed industry standards and practices.?

To mark the endorsement, TNB launched a special ?Rev Up Your Debit Program? campaign, which kicked off at TCUL?s annual convention in Galveston, Texas, April 19-21. The campaign, which continues through this fall, promotes TNB?s PIN and signature debit card solutions and offers a chance to win a Harley-Davidson® Sportster XL 883. The promotion created quite a ?buzz? at TCUL?s convention with hundreds of credit union attendees registering for the drawing and having their pictures taken on the Harley.

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