Students at the Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies (AMIS) in Cincinnati were greeted by a new face when they hopped off the bus yesterday morning. Joe Fazzini, President and Chief Operating Officer of General Revenue Corporation (GRC), the nation’s largest university-focused collection agency, walked the hallways, led the Pledge of Allegiance and presided over the morning announcements as Principal of AMIS — part of the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative’s Partners in Education and Cincinnati Public Schools’ “Principal for a Day” program.

“It’s a wonderful feeling looking out on these children knowing many could be our leaders of tomorrow,” said Fazzini. “That’s why this initiative is so important. As business leaders, we must continue to support our educators and the school systems right here in Cincinnati.”

After fulfilling all of his duties as principal, including observing classes, Fazzini presented AMIS Principal Sherwin Ealy with a $5,000 check on behalf of GRC to be used for a tutoring and mentoring initiative. As an immersion school, AMIS requires all of its students to speak, read and understand a second language — either French or Spanish — before entering high school. GRC has been associated with AMIS and Partners in Education since 2003, contributing gift bags to students and teachers during the holidays, as well as donating thousands of dollars to the school through grants and other fundraisers.

“The earlier we set a positive example and show the importance of education, the better off our students will be in the long run,” said AMIS Principal Sherwin Ealy. “The generous donation by General Revenue Corporation will not only help educate our students but also provide them with the training and life skills they will need in college and beyond.”

The Partners in Education Principal for a Day program enables business and community leaders to gain a better understanding of how schools operate; the strengths and challenges of public education, and first-hand experience with the rewards and management decisions Principals face on a daily basis.

GRC’s donation to AMIS is one of many philanthropic initiatives the company sponsors in the Cincinnati area. Last week, GRC, along with The Sallie Mae Fund, generated nearly $10,000 for the March of Dimes through its annual WalkAmerica fundraiser. GRC and The Sallie Mae Fund generated nearly $100,000 for American Red Cross and local Cincinnati non-profit organizations last year. This included FamiliesFORWARD, a non-profit agency providing services to help more than 1,200 Cincinnati children attend college and the LoveQuest Children’s Foundation, a non-profit, public foundation dedicated to educating disabled children and adults about the medically acknowledged benefits of therapeutic horseback riding.

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