Noble Systems Corporation, a global leader in contact center technology solutions, has been selected as the technology vendor for Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc., one of the nation?s fastest-growing privately-owned collection companies. The agency replaced its existing dialer with the unified Noble™ platform for outbound call management.

Atlantic Credit & Finance, Inc., a leading purchaser and manager of unsecured, consumer-distressed assets, selected the Noble™ solution for installation at almost 100 collector stations. Noble Systems gives Atlantic Credit & Finance a single, integrated solution to manage outbound contacts with built-in monitoring and quality assurance tools. The unified system also includes a built-in database, real-time reporting, and a custom collector desktop solution to integrate with the agency?s existing collections software application.

The Noble solution provides a range of benefits for Atlantic Credit & Finance, helping them improve efficiencies and increase productivity. With the Noble implementation, the group grew from 36 stations to almost 100 stations, and with the increased capacity of the dialer and the faster speed, is getting great results. Collector wait times have been reduced from an average of 30 seconds to just a few seconds. And, the dynamic monitoring tools allow the agency to track results and to quickly respond by making changes to help improve efficiency.

?We really liked what we get with the Noble Solution,? says Niel Devasir, CIO of Atlantic Credit & Finance. ?The reporting system is pretty amazing. And, the built-in collector coaching features and monitoring tools ? such as the ability to see our collectors? real-time activities on-screen ? are outstanding. The client services team has lived up to its strong reputation in implementation, training, and support. Overall, we are extremely pleased with Noble Systems.?

James K. Noble, Jr., President and CEO of Noble Systems, says, ?Atlantic Credit and Finance, Inc. has just celebrated its tenth anniversary. In that time, it has been recognized three times by the prestigious Inc. 500 as the 16th, 25th and 27th fastest growing, privately-held company in America. We are excited that Atlantic Credit & Finance has selected Noble Systems to work beside them as they continue their journey, and we look forward to offering our collections center technology to meet their contact needs.?

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