Nick Bernardo, principal of Net Gain Marketing, today announced the firm will soon begin advising collection agencies interested in the pending opportunity with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) not to attempt to secure a contract with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) if they have not already started the process. This is due to speculation that there may not be a sufficient window in which to secure a contract with the GSA before the IRS releases its final request for task order proposal (RFTOP), statement of work, and procurement schedule. When the IRS does complete these steps, it may preclude additional collection agencies from participating, even if they?ve started preparing or submitted a proposal to the GSA by that time.

Special Item Number (SIN) 520-4, Debt Collection, is the schedule under which the U.S. Department of Education and Department of Treasury procure collection services. The IRS falls under the Department of Treasury, and is expected to make use of a limited number of vendors on the schedule for SIN 520-4 when it awards contracts to Private Collection Agencies (PCAs) for the first time under SIN 520-4 later this year.

Mr. Bernardo, who helps collection agencies win public sector contracts as a part of his marketing practice, has been watching the opportunity develop since the passage of HR 4520 (American Jobs Creation Act of 2004). Speculating on the timing of the opportunity, Nick commented, ?Guidance I have been given indicates to me that the final timetable has not been set. However, with more than 80 pre-qualified collection agencies to choose from, the IRS has no incentive to wait except to overcome any internal obstacles before starting its buying cycle. I would recommend any agency still interested in this opportunity in 2005 should prepare and submit its proposal to the GSA immediately to have a chance at participating.?

About Net Gain Marketing
Net Gain Marketing is a collaborative network marketing agency based in Philadelphia, PA. Nick Bernardo has authored winning proposals to government buyers at the local, state, and Federal levels, including multiple wins to the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. General Services Administration. His direct dial telephone number is 215-533-1680.

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