PIC Solutions, the leading specialist credit risk management consultancy in the Africa Middle East region, will be presenting at the 2006 Commercial Crime Conference in May.

Hosted by Business Zone, the Commercial Crime Conference will be held on 29-30 May in Rosebank, Johannesburg. The theme of the conference is financial war against fraud, corruption and money laundering.

This unique two-day event has been designed to address the challenges and new commercial crime trends impacting the South African business environment. Delegates will learn the latest techniques in preventing fraud, as well as gaining practical insight on combating fraud and corruption through interactive case studies.

Stephen Leonard, Managing Director of PIC Solutions comments, ?South African businesses are not only financially impacted by fraud but also strategically. This commercial crime conference provides the perfect opportunity for the business community to address these key issues. PIC Solutions has extensive experience of the challenges impacting the South African market. Our presentation will be of interest to delegates attending this conference as it focuses on the successful strategies an organisation can use to combat transactional fraud. ?

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