Austin Logistics, the leader in using predictive analytic software to solve specific problems along the customer credit lifecycle, today announced the UK availability of its contact optimization solutions that reduce the risk of non-compliance with new government regulations related to outbound dialing.

The company, headquartered in the US, has an international roster of brand name customers, including the world?s top banks, credit card issuers, retailers and telecommunications companies, a number of whom are based in the UK. Austin Logistics leverages local partners, including TDX Group, Nexcom Solutions and Geomant to support its UK and European business.

Ideal for telemarketing and collections organizations who use predictive dialers, CallTech and OnQ solutions both provide the flexibility and power to handle compliance requirements, including intelligent recall strategies and detailed reporting. ?The UK climate is intensifying around privacy and nuisance calling issues,? said Austin Logistics? Doug Morehouse, Vice President, Regional Manager for Europe, the Mideast and Africa. ?And Ofcom (the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries) is driving home the point. The market is looking for dialer-friendly solutions that will reduce compliance risk while maximizing telemarketing and collections efforts. Austin Logistics provides proven solutions that balance both sides of the equation for a win/win situation.?

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