Mann Bracken, LLC announced its admission to the Certified Arbitration Management Program sponsored by the National Arbitration Forum. Mann Bracken, LLC has the distinction of being only the second law firm in the nation to enjoy the status of Certified Arbitration Manager (?CAM?). CAM is expected to further expand the range of legal resources Mann Bracken, LLC makes available to its clients.

?Arbitration Management perfectly compliments our existing services and practice areas,? commented Member W. Christopher Bracken.

A state-of-the-art electronic interface between the CAM and the Forum’s Case Management System is the main facet of the CAM Program. The certification process requires that a CAM establish, successfully test and maintain a seamless technological compatibility with the Forum. Following a successful certification effort, a CAM is prepared to manage arbitration claims and proceedings on a volume basis, a valuable means of assisting Mann Bracken’s clients to bolster customer relations.

Establishment of the technology link between the CAM and the Forum’s Case Management System follows a review and certification process that assures the highest standards of professional legal supervision of the arbitration process. As is appropriate of any alternative dispute resolution process undertaken by a law firm, a Member of the firm directly supervises the associate attorneys who make all professional judgments relating to the filing and conduct of all arbitration proceedings.

?Arbitration is clearly the way of the future for creditors searching for more efficient means by which to resolve consumer disputes. We are very excited to be in the vanguard of this critically important practice area,? commented James D. Branton, Member and Director of Arbitration Services.

Mann Bracken, LLC has been providing collection and litigation services to national banks and credit grantors of all kinds since 1962. Practice areas include full-service legal collections, arbitration advocacy, bankruptcy, commercial litigation, and creditor defense litigation. The firm maintains offices in both the downtown business district and Buckhead financial districts of Atlanta as well as in Washington, D.C. Mann Bracken would be pleased to receive your comments or questions related to arbitration.

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