Wally Schmader, Southwest Sales Division Vice President at Transworld Systems Inc., has penned a leadership book based on his real-world experience.

Schmader’s book, Full Contact Leadership: Dynamic New Ideas and Techniques for Today’s Leaders (2006), is a compilation of leadership lessons he has accumulated during his 20-year Transworld career. During that time, Schmader has held several different field leadership positions and has paid close attention to what has and has not worked in each role.

"Too many leadership books are ethereal," said Schmader, "and they talk about leadership style or born leaders. They focus on motivational techniques and charisma. There aren’t many books that say, ‘Here are some things you can do to get better as a leader’ or ‘Here are practical ways to get results with the people you are responsible to.’"

"For someone who aspires to be a manager, this book is a good primer," Schmader said. "For those who already have leadership responsibilities, Full Contact Leadership is a good hand-book or reference to keep around. Most of what I have learned about leadership came through my experiences at Transworld."

As Vice President of the Southwest sales division at Transworld Systems Inc., Schmader is responsible for revenue growth, leadership development, client base management and overall divisional growth strategy. Every day, Wally Schmader is adding to his experiences as a leader and manager because Transworld Systems continues to be a place where innovation and leadership are encouraged and rewarded at all levels.

"Wally Schmader is a tremendously valued leader of our team here at Transworld. Wally has consistently led both large and small teams to record-breaking results through a truly hands-on, engaged, and full contact leadership approach," said Ken Eissing, Senior Vice President — Sales and Marketing. "It’s true — his book is based upon methods that have been proven successful at Transworld time and time again."

Transworld Systems Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Outsourcing Solutions Inc., is an accounts receivable management firm headquarted in Santa Rosa, CA, with more than 120 offices throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

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