Burt & Associates, a premier provider of back office, accounts receivables and financial services announced that it has launched a special financing program for Veteran business owners in need of accounts receiveables management, capital investment or other financial services.

Mr. Jerry Curtis, President and CEO, of Burt & Associates observed that as the date to commemorate our heroes approaches, now is the time to ?step up to the plate and give back to those that sacrificed so much in the service of our country. We remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice and honor them by providing Veteran business owners the financial tools they need to grow and expand their business.?

This special program targets Veterans of any war that are current business owners and wish to take advantage of the company?s accounts recievables and financial services. Veterans are encouraged to contact the company and inquire further.

Mr. Curtis explained that even though this program is for a limited time, it is a service that will ultimately help our economy, but may also encourage more Veterans to start businesses of their own. ?This would be good for America and business in general.?

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