TeleTech Holdings, Inc., a global provider of customer management and business process outsourcing (BPO) services, has added new functionality to three key suites of the TeleTech® OnDemand™ hosted contact center offering that improves the customer experience and reduces the demand for live agents.

The new features support easy-to-access information that responds quickly and accurately to customers’ needs, in addition to real-time measurement and coaching to enhance agent performance. Efficient and user-friendly interactive voice response (IVR) and Web services empower customers by automating routine interactions. These features are now part of the TeleTech® OnDemand suites for customer experience management, workforce optimization, and multichannel interaction routing.

“TeleTech has more than 20 years of experience operating contact centers across five continents for some of the world’s largest corporations,” said Mark de la Vega, general manager TeleTech® OnDemand services. “With our hosted solution, clients can tap into a globally-connected and highly scalable contact center environment with a simple broadband connection to our network.”

By employing TeleTech’s hosted contact center solution, clients can realize more than 50 percent in cost savings over building, integrating and maintaining their own environments. Furthermore, the TeleTech® OnDemand services scale easily and quickly to accommodate evolving client needs, delivering business agility and flexibility.

“Hosted contact center services are growing considerably as companies choose to offload their non-core activities to TeleTech to achieve a faster time-to-benefit and lower total cost of technology and infrastructure ownership,” said Kenneth Tuchman, TeleTech’s chairman and chief executive officer. “The TeleTech offering is unique because we deliver a comprehensive end-to-end solution based on our tested and innovative technology that scales quickly to thousands of agents.”

New Enhancements to Three TeleTech® OnDemand Suites
The TeleTech® OnDemand offering is a true enterprise-class hosted solution, and it delivers the most comprehensive operating system for the contact center. The new enhancements have been incorporated into the customer experience management, workforce optimization and multichannel interaction routing suites as follows:

  • Customer Experience Management: This suite enables improved customer interactions and provides real-time customer and operations insight for better, more informed decision making. New suite functionality includes access to top resolutions and answers to frequently asked questions, delivery of latest news to the agent desktop, configurable links to key sources of information, and self-help for agents and online consumers. This functionality will be achieved through the suite’s new knowledge management component, which will accent its already powerful predictive analytics, customer interaction management, and disposition management services.

  • Workforce Optimization: This suite drives contact center productivity through workforce management and quality assurance services. New additions to the suite offer improved integrated services for agent performance, as well as learning services that provide tools for real-time agent recognition and coaching. These improved services link workday activities to broader business goals and streamline online and classroom agent training.

  • Multichannel Interaction Routing: This suite enables intelligent routing and self-service automation for improved customer interactions. Current automatic call distribution (ACD) and computer telephony integration (CTI) services have been enhanced with the addition of IVR, Web, and voice-portal self-service automation to resolve customers’ routine requests efficiently, thereby reducing the need for live agents.

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