Cape Town, South Africa ? PIC Solutions will be exhibiting at the Mass Market Banking Summit in August.

Hosted by Trade Conferences International (TCI), the Banking Summit will be held on the 17-18 August 2005 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This unique two-day event will focus on the challenges currently faced by the South African financial sector and the implications of new legislation on the wider financial sector. The Mass Market Banking Summit will highlight topics including:

  • The nature and objectives of the Dedicated Banks Bill
  • The feasibility of the new Dedicated Banks Bill
  • The Mzansi Account: The start of pioneering business model?
  • The role of the Dedicated Banks Bill on mass banking
  • Obstacles of the Dedicated Banks Bill on new competitive forces
  • Impact of regulations on new banking models and the wider financial sector

Visit the TCI website: for more information on the Mass Market Banking Summit.

Stephen Leonard, Managing Director of PIC Solutions, comments, “South African financial organisations operate in a diverse market and this conference will highlight the trends and challenges currently facing the finance industry. PIC Solutions will be exhibiting our wide-range of credit risk solutions which will be of interest to delegates at the conference.”

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