TransUnion Score Predictivo made its debut today as the Dominican Republic’s first generic risk scoring model. Brought to the market by TransUnion, Score Predictivo analyzes the historical data in a consumer’s credit file and produces a single numeric score that predicts the likelihood of the consumer becoming more than 90 days pass due on any one account over the next 12 months.

By using TransUnion Score Predictivo, financial institutions and credit grantors are better able to manage and forecast their portfolios and greatly reduce the potential of credit loss. Additionally, credit grantors can use the scoring model throughout the customer life cycle to improve marketing efforts, pricing, product management, customer retention program and collection efforts.

“This easy-to-interpret scoring model will provide a greatly needed, unbiased credit risk management tool to the marketplace,” said TransUnion’s Jeffrey Poyo, general manager, Dominican Republic. “Predicting the future has never been easy, but with TransUnion Score Predictivo, capitalizing on its opportunities has never been this straightforward.”

TransUnion Score Predictivo was developed using 100 percent Dominican credit information and more than 39 credit variables analyzed over a four-year period. The scoring model was developed by TransUnion CRIF Decision Solutions LLC, a joint venture company by TransUnion and CRIF, continental Europe’s leading market player in the credit reporting and decision support systems segment. Together, TransUnion and CRIF are the largest owners or operators of credit bureaus worldwide and have developed multitudes of scoring models for various industries and countries.

To learn more about TransUnion Score Predictivo and how to implement it in your business model, contact Ricardina Torres at 809-227-1888 or .

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