False Creek Surgical Centre, a Canadian private care clinic in Vancouver, might be over-billing its patients. Health Minister George Abbott has said that talks are ongoing – but stops short of pressing the “over-billing” allegation.

“I understand matters have been referred to the commission and that there may be discussions between the commission and False Creek Surgical Centre in respect of those matters," Abbott said in a statement to the Canadian legislature this week. “Beyond that, there’s not a lot that I can say about that."

False Creek says its billing practices shouldn’t be a concern of the government.  “This facility doesn’t bill the Medical Services Plan. This is a private facility. We don’t provide services for government-run organizations. This facility is a facility that provides health care to Canadians who wish to chose to come and use this facility at their own discretion, exercising their own rights as citizens of this country, under the law of this country. And this facility behaves within the law.”

Critics counter that British Columbians deserve protection if they are paying extra for services that they’ve already paid for through the Medical Service Plan premiums and their taxes.

Next Article: Executive Change: David M. Dill to LifePoint ...
