Busy dental front office managers are always looking to improve their skills and enhance the efficiency of the office, so Medical Arts Press has introduced the quick-read newsletter Pulse of Your Practice. Each quarterly issue provides helpful hints for managing the practice and rising above the competition.

?As we thought about ways to help dental office professionals do their jobs more effectively, we recognized that, beyond the services and products we provide, we could grow closer to our customers by becoming a true resource to help them build their careers,? said Michelle Olken, Director of Brand Management. ?It?s always reassuring,? she adds, ?when you find out that the trials and tribulations you face on a daily basis are shared by your peers throughout the country. It is helpful to have a resource that offers tested solutions to help you excel at your job. We believe that Pulse of Your Practice fills these needs for front office professionals in the dental industry.?

The debut edition included five tips for ?Setting Your Practice Apart from the Rest,? as well as an article on ?Choosing a Collection Agency.? The issue also profiled several dental practices to show how they enhance patient communication through more caring attitudes and accommodating patient needs.

?We think that one of the most popular features of Pulse of Your Practice will become the interactive column entitled ?Dental Bites,? where our advisors answer practice-specific questions from dental office managers,? added Olken.

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