ACF Medical Services, Inc. announced today that it has purchased aged account receivable portfolios from three major healthcare systems representing 15 hospitals and covering five states – primarily located in the Midwest and western portion of the United States.

Overall, the portfolios purchased by ACF Medical Services have a face value of greater than $115 million. According to Daryl Deke, Executive Vice President and Principal of ACF Medical Services, the purchased portfolios represent more than 138,000 accounts from the various health systems. These healthcare systems vary in scope from small not-for-profit rural facilities to large, urban medical institutions that are both not-for-profit and for-profit in structure.

“We are delighted to work with such a range of healthcare facilities,” Deke said. “These hospitals are vital to the local communities they serve and their patients rely on them for state-of-the-art medical treatment.

“In purchasing their aged account receivables, we have assisted each of these hospitals by supplying much needed capital, thereby enhancing their ability to provide better and broader service to their patients,” he noted.

He also explained that the purchase of aged account receivables is designed to complement a hospital’s existing revenue cycle structure; ACF Medical Services possesses the skills necessary to hire, train and retain the staff to positively work with patients and bring value to this area of the revenue cycle.

“We focus specifically on the aged account receivables portion of a hospital’s revenue cycle, thus allowing the hospital’s other revenue cycle partners to focus on what they do best,” Deke said. “Ultimately, more capital is provided to the hospital, and the patients are treated with greater care and compassion.”

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