Bank of America had the highest reported rate of credit card delinquencies and charged-off the greatest percentage of its credit card loans in April, according to recent SEC filings by six major consumer credit card issuers.

The data is filed monthly by major issuers for securitization reporting.

Bank of America had the highest rate of total delinquencies at 6.73 percent of all credit card accounts. The issuers’ delinquencies are separated into days delinquent buckets and aggregated for reporting; the delinquency rate reported is the total at all days-delinquent levels.

Bank of America also reported the highest net charge offs in April with 12.71 percent of card accounts charged off.


April 2010 Charge-Offs Delinquencies
Bank of America 12.71% 6.73%
Citi 11.23% 5.85%
Chase 9.03% 4.40%
Capital One 9.68% 5.07%
Discover 8.42% 5.20%
AmEx 6.70% 3.10%

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