Florida is suing a collection agency in Jacksonville for $1.3 million dollars, plus unnamed restitution damages.

Florida State Attorney General Bill McCollum yesterday charged Bass Prelitigation Services, LLC, and Jackson Phillips & Associates, Inc., as well as the owners of both businesses with “egregious breaches” of the state’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act and violations of the Consumer Collections Practices Act and the Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, McCollum’s press officer tells insideARM.com.

Both Bass Prelitigation Services, LLC, and Jackson Phillips & Associates, Inc., are owned by Frank and Evelyn Jackson, and both are accused of numerous consumer violations.

“We’ve received 134 complaints about Bass, and 130 of them, so far, have been substantiated,” says Sandi Copes. The complaints date back to January 2006, with most coming since October.

McCollum is seeking $1.3 million in damages from those charged, as well as a-yet-to-be-determined restitution costs to be returned to debtors allegedly overcharged by the collection agencies. The Attorney General has also requested that the company immediately cease operations and be permanently prevented from operating in the state.

The complaint cited multiple incidents of improper debt collection practices used by Jacksonville-based Bass Prelitigation Services and Jackson Phillips & Associates, Inc., including impersonating attorneys, threatening arrests and collecting illegal fees greater than the amount originally owed. Employees even allegedly posed as investigators affiliated with state or government agencies.

A person answering the phone number listed for Bass disclaimed any knowledge of the suit, and declined to comment further.

The complaint can be found at [http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/JFAO-74QJH9/$file/BassComplaints.pdf]

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