San Francisco— LiveVox, the leading provider of hosted-dialer solutions, announced that LiveVox Chief Marketing Officer John McNamara will discuss approaches to virtual collections at the first annual Government Revenue Collection Association Conference today, in San Francisco.

As liquidation rates decline and transaction rise, the industry is increasingly weighing virtual collections strategies. However, each tool in the virtual collections arsenal has strengths and weakness. The effectiveness of these tools is driven by numerous factors, including account score, consumer profile and delinquency. John will discuss how the impact of these variables and how organizations can begin to craft their own strategies within a couple of weeks.

“Successful virtual collections strategies require using the right tool on the right type of consumer. Organizations must set realistic expectations and should only launch what they can measure,” McNamara said. “This collection environment demands that all organizations pursue ways to increase productivity and cut costs. The most successful ones will develop strategies that give greater not less visibility to key behaviors and allow for experimentation to optimize results.”

“Approaches to Virtual Collections” will include:  

  • How scoring and delinquency stage effect virtual collections
  • Benefits and limitations of virtual collection tools 
  • The truth behind multi-channel communication 
  • Building key elements of a virtual collection strategy within two weeks

With 27 years in the industry, McNamara has implemented a wide array of solutions and built numerous virtual collection strategies. Previously, John was Co-Founder of Fidelis Recovery Solutions Inc., of Marietta, Ga. Prior to LiveVox and Fidelis, John was Chief Operating Officer for Asset Management Outsourcing, Inc., SVP of Operations for Nationwide Credit/ACB, and VP of Operations for United Recovery Systems, LP.

About LiveVox
LiveVox is the first provider of hosted dialer solutions for the credit and collections industry. Breakthrough, patented technology and deep industry knowledge allow LiveVox to assist clients with optimizing their operations and collection strategies. Private, carrier-grade VoIP networks enable LiveVox to maximize the productivity of leading credit, collections, debt purchase and call center organizations at the lowest cost of ownership in the marketplace. LiveVox is headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, visit



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