The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was enacted in 1977 to protect consumers from abusive, unfair, and deceptive practices by third-party debt collectors. The law details when and how a collector may contact a debtor. The government enforcer of the law has historically been the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), but some regulatory duties may be shared with the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection housed within the Federal Reserve, created in 2010. The FDCPA is a strict civil liability law, which means that a consumer need not prove actual damages in order to claim statutory damages of up to $1,000 per violation plus reasonable attorney fees.

See all Topics
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Debt Collection Should be on Congress' Mind, Congressional Research Service Suggests

26 October 2020

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CFPB Settles with Encore for $15MM Civil Penalties and $78K Monetary Relief

19 October 2020

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Hopefully the End of the Debt Itemization Circus? 7th Cir. and CFPB Side with Debt Collector

15 October 2020

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Yes, Debt Collectors Can Still Call Numbers Supplied to Creditors as Part of Underlying Transaction

8 October 2020

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Are Your Debt Collection Communications Getting Through and Timed Right?

6 October 2020

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Interest Disclosure Cases Haven't Stopped, but Plaintiffs Keep Losing

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In the Nick of Time: NYC DCA Releases Glossary and Translations of Commonly-Used Terms

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The Slow Demise of Recent Collection Letter Overshadowing Claims

24 September 2020

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2nd Cir. Holds FDCPA Defendant’s ‘Bona Fide Error’ Defense Should Go to Jury

22 September 2020

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Bona Fide Error Defense Doesn't Always Apply in "Amount of Debt" Cases

14 September 2020

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Credit Reporting Issues and False Threats from Debt Collectors—Featured Topics in CFPB's Supervisory Highlights

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CFPB Sues Encore for Issues Related to Collection Litigation and Time-Barred Debts (and the Irony Behind Some of These Claims)

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Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Heat Nor Gloom of Night: Debt Collection and the USPS

26 August 2020

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Another Overshadowing FDCPA Claim Bites the Dust

25 August 2020

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Dismissals of Overshadowing/Letter Format Claims Continue in E.D.N.Y.

11 August 2020

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Attention ARM Leaders: Debt Collection Payment Portals are Communications Under the FDCPA

6 August 2020

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Consumer Relations Consortium Submits Comment to CFPB’s SNPRM for Time-Barred Debts

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7th Circuit Reiterates: Credit Reporting Medical Debts Separately is Not a Violation

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New Bill in House, Would Amend FDCPA to Prohibit Consumer Debt Collection During National Disasters or Emergencies

29 July 2020