In October, ACA International will unveil a newly enhanced Professional Practices Management System (PPMS) program and a brand new 18th element focusing on physical and data security. The changes to the program will affect all collection agencies currently working toward certification, and all certified and subscribed agencies.

Changes to PPMS—ACA’s voluntary quality assurance certification program—were implemented to address client-driven demands for agencies to implement additional data security measures in their organizations. With data and identity theft on the rise, many of ACA members’ clients are requiring their agencies obtain a Statement of Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70) audit, which is a test of the existence of internal controls within a service organization.

The new requirements are mandatory for certified and subscribed agencies. Agencies will have one year from their next recertification or surveillance date to implement the changes. Agencies not yet certified will need to implement the changes upon initial certification. ACA will send out a detailed letter explaining the new requirements in late-August 2008. Anyone who has attended a PPMS seminar or is certified or subscribed will receive the letter.

A 90-minute Element 18 teleseminar given by Nancy Kaplan from LarsonAllen will be held Nov. 12, 2008, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Anyone who has attended a PPMS seminar or is part of a certified or subscribed agency will have the opportunity to attend. Certified and subscribed agencies are required to attend the teleseminar. There is no cost for attendance.

Agencies interested in learning more about Element 18 and PPMS certification can attend the next Foundational Training on PPMS seminar to be held Oct. 27-28, 2008, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Miami preceding the Credit and Collection Symposium of the Americas Conference. For more information, visit ACA’s Event Calendar.

ACA’s PPMS staff is available for questions at (952) 926-6547 or

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