Phoenix, AZ — BillingTree, the national leader in on-demand payment solutions, has selected DataRose’s EqualXchange Network to extend its solution integrations with the Accounts Receivable, Financial Services, Telecom, Utility, and Healthcare markets. The EqualXchange Network provides BillingTree with seamless, on-demand data exchange capability with thousands of businesses across these multiple markets, enabling them to integrate with customers more quickly, efficiently,and with greater flexibility.

The EqualXchange Network is the product of four years of development by DataRose and relies on its proprietary data mapping and translation technology known as EqXTM. EqX programmatically translates the sender’s data into the receiver’s data format, enabling different software systems to communicate seamlessly as if they were the same software. The EqualXchange Network is a single source, web-delivered, solution that facilitates data exchange and payment transactions between all of the many data and service providers and the clients they serve. Eliminating the data exchange problem increases customers’ access to a greater number of data driven products and services, and reduces current dependencies on everyone’s scarce IT resources to deliver and receive those services.

“The EqualXchange Network is literally changing the way organizations interoperate,” says Jonathan Cleary, DataRose CEO. “Many organizations rely heavily on the ability to exchange data with multiple parties across their entire value chain. Doin g so through traditional methods is inefficient and unnecessarily expensive. The EqualXchange Network gives all companies “plug- and-play” data exchange compatibility with all of their vendors and customers. Now, it no longer matters that everyone uses different software.”

"We are excited about our relationship with DataRose. The EqualXchange Network dramatically multiplies our internal capabilities to reach customers”, said Scott McCollum, President of BillingTree. "DataRose’s demonstrated ability to overcome data exchange challenges provides us with a solid alternative to current methods. Their EqualXchange Network enables us to better serve customers, on-board new customers more quickly, and reach entire markets more efficiently."

About DataRose
DataRose ( provides “interoperability” — the one, essential, missing ingredient that enables the current shift from people-driven to technology-driven debt collection, self-service transaction, and customer contact processes.. DataRose’s enables companies to seamlessly exchange data and documents across all software platforms and systems – without using interfaces.

About BillingTree
The proven leader in on-demand payment processing, BillingTree empowers customers with competitive advantage through simplification of the billing and receivables process. By delivering the most innovative technology while making it as easy a nd inexpensiveas possible to accept payments BillingTree has revolutionized the payments landscape. Our software-as-a-service (SaaS) model delivers industry leading payment solutions, proven integrati on and point-and-click simplicity. BillingTree’s focus on innovation has allowed us to help over 1200 customers eliminate manual processes and automate their payment cycle. BillingTree – Growth is our Business. For more information, visit or call 877.4.BILLTREE.

Next Article: Atlanta Equity Buys Consumer Financial Services
