Marlborough, MA:  American Profit Recovery, a collection agency based in Michigan and Massachusetts has developed a number of methods to help lawncare and landscaping professionals resolve past due debt with existing customers. As summer begins to draw to a close and temperatures become cooler in many parts of the country, businesses in the lawn care and landscaping industries begin to slowdown so many in this industry begin thinking of how to get late paying customers to get current with their invoices.

“Although it is necessary, pursuing customers that pay late is something most business owners do not look forward to as it means sometimes confronting loyal customers, states Matt Moskowitz, a partner at American Profit Recovery. “Many wait until the off-season which can even further delay getting paid.”

As a recognized partner of The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET), an international association serving lawn care and landscape professionals, American Profit Recovery knows the industry well and is held in high regard with its members. A video geared toward collecting past due debt in the lawn care industry can be viewed here;

Since it is harmful to have accounts remain unpaid in any economy at any time of the year, a few simple tips may help alter a company’s internal collection practices and resolve overdue accounts in a respectful and diplomatic manner no matter what time of year.

  • Act early: When your invoice reaches customers before other invoices, it is more likely to be perceived as urgent and likely to get paid first. Lawn care companies who begin invoicing as early as 30-days past due on an account, have a better chance their invoices being placed on the top of the heap and settled in a more expedient manner.
  • Treat customers with diplomacy and respect: It is easy for even your most diligent customers to occasionally struggle paying their bills, especially when times are tough. Treating customers with respect produces a more successful response when trying to recover overdue accounts.

Even with a few changes to internal procedures, there may be times when bills remain unpaid and it becomes time to seek help from an affordable and reputable collection agency. Assistance from a team that has knowledge of the lawn care industry can help a lawn care or landscape business recuperate overdue funds during slower times by:

  • Employing professionalism, ethics and standards: Find an agency that is committed to customer service and will work to maintain current customers and help build a solid reputation to attract future customers.
  • A low-cost fee structure: Look for a collection agency that uses a flat-fee on accounts collected rather than the industry average of 33 percent, which makes it more affordable for lawn care and landscape businesses to get help improving their bottom line.
  • Customer driven technology: By providing access to accounts anytime day or night, the right technology leaves you in control of your business at times that meet your busy schedule.

A reputable collection agency will work with a lawn care business to educate staff and create tailored solutions to improve current accounts receivables and future profitability. Through their professionalism, ethics and standards coupled with proven methods of success, a strong agency will strengthen your business and enable a business to pursue more lawn care accounts.

American Profit Recovery (APR) is a collection agency with offices in Massachusetts, Michigan and North Carolina. Founded in 2004, APR specializes in the collection of third-party debt in industries such as medical/dental, banking, trades, lawn care and other professional services. The firm serves approximately 2600 clients. 800-711-0023



Next Article: Executive Bio: Pam Kilzer
