A prolific author, teacher and Web site operator has been named for the second year in a row to the list of Top 5 Women in Collections published annually in Collections and Credit Risk magazine.

Michelle Dunn was named to the list for 2008 after winning the honor in 2007. “I’m surprised it happened again,” Dunn told insideARM.com. “I’m excited and proud that women are really stepping up in this industry.”

The complete list of honorees will be in the February issue of the magazine.

Dunn is the author of six self published books related to collections including “Starting a Collection Agency: How to Make Money Collecting Moneyavailable in the insideARM.com bookstore. Other Dunn books are “Become the Squeaky Wheel,” and “The Ultimate Credit & Collections Handbook: The Check IS in the Mail” published by Entrepreneur Press.

Dunn plans to release the third edition of Starting a Collection Agency by the end of January with updates on state laws, several models of business plans and business strategies, new collection letters, and promotion and marketing ideas for agencies.

Her next book is “Mosquito Marketing for Collection Agencies,” due in about six months.

Dunn said she plans to focus this year on education. “I want to counter the media coverage of the collection industry, especially in the current economic climate.”

Dunn teaches at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, N.H., and is the creator and operator of the credit-and-collections.com Web site which counts nearly 2,000 members and is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Plans call for adding to the site e-course versions of several of her books.

Dunn started M.A.D. Collection Agency in 1998 and ran it until selling it at the end of 2004.

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