Global Web Solutions (GWS), an international provider of web based products, announces the launch of, a new web based case management system. The system will advance best practices in the execution of project management, investigation, collection, and other routine management and administrative processes. is the result of 3 years of research and evaluation to produce "best practice" benchmarks for the Investigation & Collection industry.

Local Case Management System (LCMS) is a secure web-based portal that offers companies a fully integrated interface to place, monitor, analyze and share data about project management, collection, investigations cases. The Global product (GCMS) has been successfully adopted last year by companies from more than 40 countries and has been highly rated by leading companies in the collection industry around the world.

LCMS has been designed in a way that is affordable to both small & large companies. The system is available for month by month rental and the cost is dependent on system modules & usage. Price starts as low as US$50 per month.

Some benefits that LCMS has to offer are:

Web-based Architecture – Full access from any platform, anywhere, anytime, 24/7.
Usability – Easy to use and deploy by simply using a browser. No installation is needed.
Affordable Maintenance – No need for Expensive IT personnel, no need for additional hardware or software.
Enhanced Security – Servers are monitored 24 hours a day with daily backups.
Alert System – email notifications ensure timely resolution & makes sure nothing is overlooked.
Real-time Reporting – Quickly gather statistics, see trends & identify trouble spots. Reports are displayed on Screen or can be imported to Excel / PDF.
Decision Making – Easily access relevant information via Summary Tables.
Scalability – Quick migration of data from/into the system & ability of sharing with third party softwares.
Effective Management – Add/Update/View & Provide. instant documentation with searchable archive.
Added Security – IP addresses blockage & User logs.

LCMS key features include:

Case Management – Automated environment to manage organization work flow.
Document Linking – Multiple uploads of images, Excel, Word & Zip files in one click.
Invoice Generator – Track & send invoices online. Mark payments and produce sales reports.
Project Tools – Web-based project management and collaboration features.
Letter System – Automated PDF document creation & Letter Templates storage.
Client Access – 24 hours client access via browser to view/modify/place new accounts

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