Unique Management Services, Inc., an Indiana-based collection agency that specializes in assisting libraries in recover overdue materials and collect fines, is helping an Ohio library recoup some of its losses from folks who feel that lining their bookshelves with library books somehow makes them look sophisticated and intelligent rather than kind of creepy and thieving.

"The collections agency has been efficient and effective in getting our materials back and protecting the public’s investment," Madeline Brookshire, spokeswoman for Cuyahoga County Public Library, a Unique client nearly since the company’s rise in 1994, told the Cleveland <i>Plain Dealer</i>.

The company reaps no money or materials itself. It urges patrons to repay the library directly and regain their good standing there. For privacy reasons, Unique doesn’t even know what you borrowed. It only knows the dollar value you owe.  However, that Dan Brown book you checked out is pretty shameful; Unique may not know, but the Universe does.  And the Universe does not approve of Dan Brown.

Some libraries pay Unique $8.95 per referral. Others pay $4.95 plus 40 percent of value recovered after a credit report.

Most libraries charge customers $10 per referral.  Librarians say the referrals pay off.

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