While lost revenue from uninsured patients is certainly a budgetary concern for hospitals – getting money from insurance companies ain’t no walk in the park either.  Enter E&S Consultants, LLC: a collection agency that goes after insurance companies that either don’t pay or underpay on submitted insurance claims.

"Eighty percent of the claims we look at are underpaid," E&S Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Edwin Johnson told the Florida Times-Union.

Johnson went on to suggest that many hospitals simply don’t have the staff or the training to fully go after negligent insurance companies.

Florida-based E&S has five clients in three states. Over the next five years, the company plans to boast 100 clients in 30 states. To meet that anticipated business, E&S expects to add 50 employees to its current workforce of seven.

To achieve its goal, E&S relies primarily on technology to do most of the heavy lifting.  E&S has developed a computer system that significantly speeds up the checking of contracts and claims. Until now, the company manually processed about 30 claims each day. The new system, which will allow E&S to initially process 200 to 500 claims daily, has the capacity to process 50,000 claims daily.

Next Article: UK Utility Concern Sells Debt Collection Arm
