Well known Caribbean attorney and businessman Mr. Albert Knowles was recently elected to and confirmed as Co-Chair of the International Development Committee within IACC (International Association of Commercial Collectors) at their 22nd Mid YEAR CONFERENCE of IACC held in WASHINGTON DC on July 10 – 11th, 2010.

The Conference was well attended by many well known US attorneys & delegates and as IACC is considered a leading industry based association for the promotion of ethical standards amongst commercial collection agencies working in the international marketplace it is indeed an honour to be selected to represent IACC in this important role.

Mr. Knowles graduated a barrister from Grays Inn London as one of the youngest persons to do so and the only person from Trinidad Tobago to do so since 1962. He is the founder of A.V. Knowles & Co. which is the leading global credit management and debt collection company throughout the Caribbean with service capabilities into the Central American market.

Appointed as the GCS (Global Credit Solutions Ltd) Regional Director for the Caribbean in 2006, he is a senior partner in the worldwide GCS group, and was appointed to the Chair of the GCS Ethics & Professional Responsibilities Committee in June 2010.

As globalisation continues to expand into all areas of trade and commerce so the need for the services of professional and ethical companies able to mitigate trade risk and act quickly when the need arises to assist in the recovery of outstanding accounts becomes ever more important. Through the provision of high quality credit reports with up to date information as well as a capability through GCS to reach into global markets, Mr. Knowles is at the forefront in providing such services.


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