Mays Landing, New Jersey – Global Connect, the leading provider of hosted dialing and communication services, signals its continuing commitment to innovation and providing the "best in class" customer service to the ARM industry by focusing on two of the major challenges in the industry – cost control and increasing compliance demands.

The ARM industry is currently facing unprecedented economic challenges. Although the economy has apparently bounced off the bottom, it is still attempting to recover.  The 10% unemployment rate has a huge impact on the industry, and the need to control costs and innovate has never been more pressing.  The other challenge facing the industry is increased governmental scrutiny, new regulations and yet higher levels of litigation.  "Compliance has never been a higher priority," stated Darrin Bird, Executive Vice President.

Today Global Connect announces a number of new features aimed specifically at providing collection operations with additional tools to manage these pressing issues, including:

  • Enhanced Cell Phone Scrub – Free to all Global Connect users, cell phone scrub functionality now takes into account ported cell phone numbers on a nightly basis.
  • Call List Mapping Module – Allows end users who choose not to use FTP, to pre-set dialer profiles via Global Connect site, allowing for one click upload significantly streamlining this process.
  • Task Interval Scheduler Module – Allows end user to pre-set play and pause times throughout the day, eliminating need for manual intervention for agent break-times or prime time dialing.
  • Compliance Module – Global Connect continues to enhance its compliance module to not only include ability to set pre-defined 24, 48, and 72 hour call scrubs based on connected calls but also allows end user to set total number of attempts, call time curfews by state, and area code/zip code scrubs.
  • Campaign Reporting Dashboard – In addition to the Agent Portal Administrator Dashboard, this reporting dashboard allows for end users to quickly monitor the status of running campaigns ranging from type of campaign to key performance indicators with drill down functionality to the individual campaign level.

The number one goal of Global Connect is to provide client partners with a positive and favorable experience working with the Global Connect team and its Hosted Dialer Platform.  The company continues to receive and utilize the feedback from its client base of over 550 client partners on how to provide that experience. "The features listed above are a direct result of what our clients have asked us for: Increased Compliance Ease, Efficiency, and Cost Savings," remarks Bob Myers, Executive Vice President of ARM Division.

About Global Connect
Global Connect is a privately held company with corporate offices in Mays Landing, New Jersey, supporting ten regional sales and service offices located throughout the Unites States with Data Centers in Pennsylvania, New York and Canada.  For more information on Global Connect, please call 1-888-421-4151 or visit in the United States or in Canada.

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