Austin Logistics, the leader in providing predictive analytic software for real time decision-making, today announced the list of speakers at its Impact  2007 Conference, “Customer Level Decisioning to Maximize Profitability Across Risk, Marketing and Collections,” April 16-18 in Austin, Texas. The world’s leading financial institutions are well represented on the conference agenda, including Washington Mutual Bank, Halifax Bank of Scotland, China Merchant Bank, GE Money, Chase Card Services, Triad Financial Corporation, Capital One and others. (See speakers for more information.)
In addition, Guillermo Kopp, TowerGroup Executive Director and Global Research Fellow, will present a session focusing on managing fraud across the enterprise. TowerGroup is the leading research and advisory services firm focused exclusively on the global financial services industry
Event sponsors include LexisNexis, First Data Corp., TSYS, TransUnion, SoundBite and Global Connect.
Keynoting the event is national security expert Ben Bell. Bell, who now heads the Global Information Group, LTD, has extensive experience with both domestic and international data sourcing and decision making in large organizations. The developer of the P3 concept for personnel clearance activities (preapplicant screening, post-applicant screen and, most importantly, predictive applicant screening), Bell is the retired Director of the Office of National Risk Assessment (ONRA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the Department of Homeland Security.
Customer level decisioning, the theme of this year’s Impact Conference, is the backbone of the customer experience. It takes traditional segment level decisioning to the most precise level—the point at which 1-on-1 decisions can be made. A combination of sophisticated data use and advanced on-demand predictive analytics, customer level decisioning helps companies to develop and deploy 1-on-1 strategies for a heightened customer experience: from first customer touch through collections; from cross selling through fraud prevention.
As Kopp notes, "Banking, securities, and insurance companies face structural challenges to accommodate new dynamics in business models within and outside the industry. Innovation breakthroughs and personalized approaches to customer relationships are instrumental to cultivate trust and fuel renewed business growth. … Financial services institutions are tapping new markets and products, leveraging integrated risk and compliance capabilities, fending off security threats, managing global interdependencies, and embracing collaboration within an ecosystem of networked solutions from other institutions and nonfinancial players."

Next Article: ARM Firm Kadent Acquires Hospital-Owned Medical Collector
