Oklahoma City, OK: American Collection Services (ACS), a regional collection agency located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, today announced it achieved its goal last year of increasing year-over-year growth by more than 20%.

This success story, which saw the firm’s bottom-line revenue increase more than 20% in 2008 compared to 2007, had its roots at the end of 2007.  At that time the firm implemented a more sales-oriented focus, enhanced the training of an existing salesperson, and retained Paul Morrow, an outsourced Vice President of Sales retained through Net Gain Marketing (www.netgain4results.com), to assist in the planning, management, and oversight of sales in 2008.

At the beginning of 2008, ACS had no form of pipeline reporting, and no way to measure past and forecasted business development results. Over the course of 2008, the salesperson increased an existing book of business by refocusing on proven sales strategies like asking for referrals and generating appointments. ACS could see results as they began to unfold, having worked with Mr. Morrow to implement a sales dashboard to track contact attempts, prospects reached, appointments, and revenue potential.

With the dawn of a new year, ACS is now poised to exceed this year’s current bottom-line revenue growth goal, as new portfolio streams that started in 2008 begin to mature.

Terri McNeal-Hall of ACS commented, “If you had told me a year ago we’d be in this position in the middle of a recession, I’d have seriously doubted it.  We now know that managing the sales process is not much different than managing the collection process.  We’re pleased with last year’s results and look forward to more of the same in 2009.”

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