PIC Solutions, the leading specialist credit risk management consultancy in the Africa Middle East region, will present at a Credit Management Compliance Conference in April.

South Africa’s credit industry is estimated at being worth R500 billion, with more than 20 million consumers, yet is set for a major overhaul. The final phase of the National Credit Act will be implemented in June 2007 and credit grantors are facing numerous challenges as they try to comply with new regulations.

Hosted by Trade Conferences International (TCI), the Credit Management Compliance conference will be held on 19-20 April 2007 in Johannesburg, South Africa. A panel of experts, including PIC Solutions will present at this leading forum which aims to address key issues regarding the National Credit Act, including:

  • Legislative processes surrounding the final implementation of the National Credit Act
  • Effect on credit management strategies
  • Restricting negative option marketing
  • Cost implications for your organisation
  • Credit risk assessment
  • Corporate compliance relating to consumer credit protection

In addition, this industry event provides a unique networking opportunity for credit grantors to share their experiences and discuss the challenges of complying with the Act.

Jaco van Jaarsveldt, Department Head at PIC Solutions, comments, “With the final sections of the National Credit Act coming into law on 1 June 2007, this conference provides a unique opportunity for industry peers to validate their compliance status and discuss possible future strategies.”

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