The Affiliated Group announced it has completed its planned move into a new corporate headquarters building in Rochester, MN, effective May 4, 2007.  The move was prompted by TAG’s continued organic growth in the past two years in sectors to include healthcare, debt buying and purchaser servicing, government, utility, and others.

More newsworthy than the move itself was how smoothly the operation proceeded from the planning phase that started late last year through execution of the plan earlier this month.  In moving all personnel across town to a former IBM corporate campus, including all technology and systems, TAG experienced no unplanned downtime—0% productivity loss whatsoever during the entire process.

Because of the complexity of any enterprise-wide migration, TAG’s zero-downtime move demonstrates the company’s ability to muster a level of organizational personnel dedication, process control, and implementation savvy that shows any potential client that TAG can implement even the most complicated accounts receivable management program with little or no difficulty.

TAG’s new home gives the company 50% more space, enabling the number of available seats to double compared to available seats before the move—with no need for additional expansion.  Security features include internal and external cameras, multiple alarm systems and security details, swipe cards, and other amenities.  Noise dampening in the new space will give TAG the ability to maximize available floor space.

“I am proud of our entire organization for the way this move was planned and executed, with no glitches whatsoever along the way,” stated Mark Neeb, TAG’s President.  “This proactive approach to growth gives our current and potential clients the ability to count on us to provide additional capacity that more reactive firms could not match as quickly.”

Next Article: Senators Introduce Aggressive Credit Card Lender Legislation
