TransUnion today announced TransUnion Strategy Builder(SM), a new decisioning solution jointly developed with Austin Logistics that uses business rule logic to help third-party collections agencies, debt buyers, original creditors and legal agencies segment accounts into categories and determine appropriate treatment strategies to use for each account.

"Our customers’ recovery efforts are only as good as the strategy they use to work their accounts," said Kevin Derbyshire, director of business and solutions development. "TransUnion Strategy Builder helps determine which accounts show the most promise for payment and recommends treatment strategies at the account level so organizations can potentially collect more with a finite resource pool."

By leveraging predictive analytics, enhanced credit data, and robust reporting, TransUnion Strategy Builder recommends the most optimal treatments and returns the actual credit characteristics used to segment each account. As a result, TransUnion Strategy Builder centralizes the segmentation and inventory management processes.

"As collection volume increases and demographics shift over time, customer contact and treatment options need to evolve to meet that challenge," said Tom Miller, senior vice president for Austin Logistics. "By leveraging TransUnion’s unique database of information and advanced search tools with our predictive analytics software, customers can better predict consumer value, their specific behavior, and strategically determine optimum actions. We can proactively deploy this functionality at vital points along the consumer credit lifecycle."

TransUnion Strategy Builder also considers a customer’s objectives, resources and business constraints and opportunities, enabling them to determine the most cost effective treatment options, while maximizing dollars collected. In addition, collections organizations can quickly put new strategies into production, while continuing to test alternative strategies and remain responsive to market changes and risks. All of this allows collectors to lower operational costs without sacrificing dollars collected.

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