OMAHA, Neb.– WebEquity Solutions LLC (WebEquity), announced today general availability of the industry’s first lending solution for pre- and post-approval loan stress testing on a single technology platform. The Company’s Risk Management Dashboard is an advanced tool that provides a financial institution’s C-level management and board members with unprecedented visibility required to proactively assess the risk of its entire loan portfolio.

“WebEquity’s Risk Management Dashboard is a powerful tool for shock testing our whole portfolio of commercial and agriculture loans,” said Chad Aberle, senior vice president of Lending, The Citizens Bank of Finley. “In just a few mouse clicks we can see, from a 50,000 foot level down to each individual loan, where risk could potentially come from. With this insight, we can take decisive action to minimize that risk before it becomes a real problem. This is going to become increasingly beneficial to us as regulators intensify their scrutiny of credit risk management practices.”

With the Risk Management Dashboard, an institution gains vital knowledge about the composition of its loan portfolio and its intrinsic risk factors. It crosses over the silos of lending, providing one system for analyzing risk across a bank’s complex credits including commercial industrial, commercial real estate, agricultural, construction and small business loans. Furthermore, the Dashboard enables lenders to confidently meet heightened examiner scrutiny head on by demonstrating that they have instituted a proactive, uniform process for managing risk among all their loan disciplines.

With WebEquity’s Risk Management Dashboard, institutions gain the analytical capabilities to:

  •     Obtain a Consolidated View of their Portfolio – provides a highly visual representation of all the loan information that an institution has on its books such as total loan volumes broken down by interest rates, risk ratings and credit actions.
  •    Assess Risk Concentrations – enables institutions to obtain an accurate measurement of their loan concentrations by loan type, risk rating and by branch location.
  •     Perform Sensitivity Analysis – allows lenders to determine a borrower’s debt service margin and project what factors could impact a borrower’s ability to repay a loan such as changes in income, expenses and interest rates.
  •     Stress Test Their Loans – gives institutions the full picture of how their portfolio segments could be affected by unexpected changes in risk variables and market conditions by stressing factors such as liquidity, equity to asset ratio, repayment capacity, vacancy rates, rent revenues, crop sales, government payments and more.

“The Risk Management Dashboard is an intuitive, out-of-the-box tool that quickly gives us a visual representation of the risk in our loan portfolio, not achievable before. We get a big picture view and can drill down to test how certain scenarios or factors will impact a borrower’s ability to pay back a specific loan,” said Scott Schroeter, senior credit analyst, Investors Community Bank. “These capabilities are particularly important as sensitivity testing is becoming a real hot button for examiners. We’re only tapping into about two thirds of the Dashboard’s capabilities right now and we’re already amazed at what the tool can do.”

“Due to the economic downturn and loose lending practices, banks are exposed and must manage significantly greater risk—unequivocally, the game has changed,” said Doug McGregor, CEO, WebEquity Solutions. “The Risk Management Dashboard is specifically designed to keep lenders in the game by giving executives the visibility they need to proactively, isolate existing and potential problem loans across their portfolios and take action to better manage and mitigate that risk before it’s too late.”

The WebEquity on-demand lending software provides financial institutions with a single system for financial analysis and risk management of their entire loan portfolio including commercial industrial, commercial real estate, agricultural, construction, small business and consumer credits. This on-demand, fully hosted solution also eliminates technology hassles for a lender; with the WebEquity software there is no software installation, reduces IT infrastructure costs and upgrades are automatic.

The Company will be showcasing its new stress testing Risk Management Dashboard via a complimentary webinar titled “Loan Portfolio Stress Testing—A Proactive Approach for Lenders” on April 8 and April 22, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. CT. Please visit to register for one of these events.

About WebEquity Solutions
WebEquity™ is the proven leader in on-demand lending software. More than 600 financial institutions and 10,000 lending professionals use WebEquity to automate and streamline their lending process and reduce operational costs, while making more uniform and profitable credit decisions. The company offers financial institutions a distinct advantage with a single solution that works for all loan types, an on-demand model that provides centralized, anywhere access, and the flexibility to configure the system so it fits their lending practices. WebEquity serves institutions in the U.S., Canada and Australia. For more information call 800.264.0787 or visit



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