FBCS, Inc. is pleased to announce the successful completion of PCI-DSS Certification (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard, Version 2.0).

FBCS’ Director of Information Technology, Mary Albert, states, “To achieve PCI compliance is a great accomplishment.  It takes much time, hard work, dedication, and investment.  I am honored to be a part of this.  Pursuing the PCI-DSS Certification affirms FBCS’ commitment about maintaining a secure data environment.”

FBCS’ Chief Financial Officer, Henry Stoughton, adds, “Independent audits and certifications like PCI-DSS and SSAE 16 demonstrate a long-standing adherence to compliance and data security.  This recent venture was not an inexpensive journey.  The value of these investments is critical to ensuring a safe environment for our clients and their customers.”

FBCS continues to make investments to infrastructure and staff to remain in the forefront of ever-changing technology and regulatory arenas.  Stoughton has quipped many times, “It is important to remember: while technology creates the framework, good people make the difference!  We appreciate every employee and vendor/partner who plays a part in this certification.”

Joseph Neary, Jr., FBCS’ President, is quick to comment, “I am extremely pleased with this achievement and our dedicated team who make it happen every day.  I know how important the PCI-DSS certification is to our clients and the mark of distinction it means within the financial services arena.”

Founded in 1982, FBCS is an Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) company headquartered in southeastern Pennsylvania. For more information, please visit www.fbcs-inc.com.

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