Santa Fe Springs – Resource Management Services, Inc. is proud to announce Joel Winston of the Federal Trade Commission as a featured speaker at the Collection and Recovery Solutions(sm) 2010 conference, being held at the Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 5-7, 2010.

Mr. Winston will be speaking on recent FTC (or federal) actions that impact the collections industry.  As the numbers of consumers who default on their debts has risen in these difficult economic times, federal regulators have increased their oversight of the collections industry.  The Federal Trade Commission is pursuing a number of new initiatives that could impact your business, including law enforcement actions and proposals to amend the FDCPA in several important areas.  Recently, the FTC held a series of roundtable meetings to discuss its concerns relating to debt collection arbitration and litigation.  Hear from the FTC official with responsibility for leading the agency’s work in this area about what the FTC has been doing and where it may be heading.

Joel Winston is Associate Director of the Division of Financial Practices in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.  That Division has responsibility for enforcing federal consumer protection laws relating to mortgages and other credit products, debt collection, debt relief services, fair lending, and other financial products and services.  Prior to that position, Mr. Winston was Associate Director of the FTC’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, with responsibilities covering the areas of consumer privacy, data security, identity theft, and credit reporting.  While in that position, Mr. Winston served on a presidential Identity Theft Task Force, was a member of the Advisory Board for the BNA Privacy & Security Law Reporter, and served on the Editorial Board and as an author for a treatise published in 2009 by the American Bar Association, “Consumer Protection Law Developments.”  In 2008, Mr. Winston received the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive, one of the highest honors given to members of the federal government’s Senior Executive Service.  Mr. Winston is a frequent speaker and provides guidance and advice to the business and legal communities on consumer protection issues.  

Collection and Recovery Solutions(sm) is an invitation-only event for senior-level collection and recovery professionals, providing educational opportunities regarding the Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World.   For more information on Collection and Recovery Solutions(sm) 2010, please go to or call 562-906-1101.



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