Ecount, a Citi company, today launched the most comprehensive suite of prepaid health care incentives available. Ecount Health Care Incentives provides insurers, employers and plan managers with a highly effective solution for encouraging healthy living.

Domestically, more than $1.8 trillion is spent on health care annually. To fight rising costs and skyrocketing premiums, many insurers and employers are looking to drive participation in wellness and disease management programs — everything from health risk assessments to smoking cessation to prenatal screenings.

Ecount Health Care Incentives, a cash reward delivered onto a branded prepaid Visa® or MasterCard® card, are gaining popularity because of the results they drive. Unlike checks, gift cards, premium deductions and other traditional rewards, Ecount Incentives provide a tangible, convenient reward that provides top-of-mind visibility for health care initiatives. The program works by motivating healthy behavior, which in turn lowers health care costs for clients. These savings can then be passed on to the participant or enjoyed by the client in the form of lower premiums. This is key for not only attracting participants, but also retaining them. Ecount Prepaid Incentives can be used for one-time and recurring payments.


"We are excited about the benefit and impact that our Health Care Incentives Suite can bring to companies to help them address the high cost of health care," says Matt Gillin, CEO of Ecount. "The industry has long recognized that financial incentives are the greatest motivator for behavior, with an estimated $3 in savings for every $1 invested. And there is no better delivery for financial incentives than Ecount Prepaid Incentives. With better incentive programs, the industry can save tens of billions annually."

"Ecount’s Healthcare Incentives complement Citi’s Cash Management solution for Health Insurance Carriers and Third Party Administrators," said Amol Gupte, Managing Director and Head of Citi’s North America Cash Management unit. Citi has had long partnerships with leading providers in the health care space and has helped them manage their claims and contribution processing as well as short-term liquidity requirements.

The Ecount Health Care Incentive Suite provides a fully customizable solution with an extensive communication package and implementation support to ensure that clients not only deliver the best incentive available, but also implement the program in a manner that will achieve the greatest results. Ecount’s communication package enables participants to track progress and rewards, as well as receive ongoing program information, take quizzes and maximize their program benefits. The Suite includes the Ecount Wellness Program, Disease Management Program and Pharmacy Benefits.

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