And by “affluent” we’re talking almost $100k or more in savings (£50,000).  Or a salary of almost $150k (£75,000).  And that’s just to talk to the staff.

The HSBC branch in Canford Cliffs, Dorset, is calling itself the world’s “local bank” – but only if you’re a “local” rolling in cash.

In an attempt to justify this exclusionary practice, an HSBC spokesman is making some interesting philosophical pronouncement about fairness and equality: "We are trying to treat everyone fairly – not everybody in the world is equal. Some people have higher incomes and need greater services through the bank. These customers demand a better service.”

There’s not a hint of “from each according to his ability; to each according to his need” about HSBC’s super-duper exclusive bank – and it’s not making itself any fans of hoi polloi.  Not that the bank would want to.  For one thing: hoi polloi generally are poor.  And smelly.  And they pinch pens.

HSBC feels good about its decision because Canford Cliffs is a wealthy area, dubbed “Millionaire’s Row.”  The spokesman explained, “The reason this has become a Premier branch is that it is a very small branch and it’s in a wealthy area. There are no cashiers as it is already an express branch so everybody has to pay in using the machines."

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