After months of preparation, VeriFacts, Inc. was notified that the organization had earned the coveted PCI certification standard.

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a multifaceted security standard that includes requirements for security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other critical protective measures. The new Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards are network security and business practice guidelines developed by Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. They were developed to establish a ‘minimum security standard’ with regards to the protection of cardholders’ account and transaction information.

All entities that accept credit or debit card payment, collect, process or store credit card transaction information, regardless of their transaction volume, are required to meet the PCI standard. Acquiring Banks are required to have documented proof of compliance from these merchants, or be liable to fines themselves. Many banks are already requiring all merchants, regardless of transaction volume, to produce this Certification of PCI Compliance.

“Security is paramount in our business. Customers need to know that VeriFacts is on the cutting edge of the security concern. They need to know that we understand that we are handling their most valuable asset, their customer relationship, and that we make the investment and exercise the care needed to protect this asset”, stated Vice President of Information Technology and Security, Jessie Olsen.

VeriFacts made the investment in enhancing its security position over the last four years. One such investment was having Ms. Olsen earn the status of Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) in June 2005. This is one of the highest security standards an IT professional can achieve.

“We are very proud of achieving this level certification. It further demonstrates that VeriFacts understands the performance needs and the security needs of our customers. Customers know that they can trust VeriFacts as a solutions provider, but also as a true partner in their processes. This differentiates us from nearly all other companies that compete in our space.” According to President Jeff Allspaugh.


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