Renton, WA –  ER Solutions, Inc., a Convergent company, has again successfully completed its annual SAS 70 Type II audit.  This is ER Solutions’ third annual audit.  As performed by the independent accounting firm, Grant Thornton LLP, the audit resulted in a standard report available to ER Solutions’ clients.

ER Solutions went through extensive testing of a variety of controls.  Accounting procedures, information security and other general controls were included in Grant Thornton’s review.  ER Solutions was found to have effective controls in operation.

The SAS 70 Type II report is designed to be used by clients to provide independent assurance that ER Solutions’ internal controls perform as intended.  The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the professional body which defines the SAS 70 audit process.  The resulting report provides information on ER Solutions’ control environment to clients while saving the client the cost and time of conducting their own audit.

Further, the report assures clients that ER Solutions has all the necessary security controls in place regarding business procedures and information technology.  The SAS 70 process allows clients to rely upon ER Solutions’ control structure to enhance their own regulatory compliance.


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