Marlborough, Mass — American Profit Recovery, a collection agency based in Michigan, Massachusetts and North Carolina, recently posted a number of short stories and profiles geared toward showing the general public and others that there are many aspects of the collection industry that go unreported, are misrepresented and intentionally covered in the media one-sided. The stories focus on how the agency has helped businesses and consumers come together in a diplomatic way to resolve debt, not just collect debt.  The profiles can be read here at:

In another example, CNN Money recently posted “Confessions of a Debt Collector” which profiled the worst of the worst in the industry. While there were a couple of positive anecdotes in the series, many focused on what past debt collectors did including consumer abuse, law breaking and other unacceptable tactics. In other reports, media outlets have focused their reporting on the wrong-doings of some of the worst offenders in the industry and have left out stories such as accounts receivables firms helping businesses owners with the difficult task of staying afloat in this economy.

“Every industry, not just the collection industry has their share of poor performers, unqualified people and quite frankly, lawbreakers,” stated Jeff DiMatteo, partner at American Profit Recovery. “It seems however that many in the media decide to overlook the good aspects of the industry such as helping small business owners stay in business, working with consumers to work out creative and affordable payment plans and diplomatically bringing both parties to the table in a respectful and dignified way.”

Employees of collection agency American Profit Recovery tell of situations where they have helped a business improve cash flow in times of need, helped dental and medical professionals receive payment while maintaining cordial doctor, patient relationships and worked out payment plans for consumers that they can afford and commit to without driving them further into debt.

“We realize not all collection agencies operate with ethics, dignity and respect as their top goals but many do including our agency and these stories should be told, states DiMatteo.

American Profit Recovery will continue their efforts to show the public the good side of the collection industry and will continually post stories about helping and assisting both businesses and consumers. The profiles can be read here at:

American Profit Recovery (APR) is a collection agency with offices in Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina and Kentucky. Founded in 2004, APR specializes in the collection of third-party debt in industries such as medical/dental, banking, trades, lawn care and other professional services. The firm serves approximately 2600 clients. 800-711-0023


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