IAT customers from across North America gathered in Hot Springs, VA for IAT’s 2nd annual National Training Conference where IAT’s technical staff presented information on a variety of topics relevant to dialing technology.

Session topics throughout the two-day conference ranged from an introduction to the new features of CT Center’s version 8.0, and how to export and manipulate dialer data as well as better manage agents. The information-packed sessions were aimed toward increasing attendee’s dialer knowledge, which in turn will increase productivity and profitability.

David Mills, Assistant Risk Manager at Kemba Financial, said he was most impressed by the “List Management” tools on IAT’s dialer. These features “will ensure we are getting better coverage of our accounts,” he commented.

IAT looks at their user and training conferences and a learning environment for both its customers and staff. While customers learn more about the capabilities of their dialer and how to improve productivity further, IAT’s staff takes the opportunity to listen to the needs, struggles, suggestions, and bright ideas brought by the attendees.

“We are here to serve you,” said Dave Rudd, Co-Owner and Sr. VP of Finance & Administration at IAT. “The more we can learn about your day-to-day process and what you need your dialer to do, we will be able to provide better and more effective products.”

IAT SmartDial Solutions, a Utah-based company, specializes in dialing technology and provides both hosted services and site-premised systems. For more than 25 years, IAT has focused on developing features and technology for the debt collection industry.

IAT’s next training conference will be held April 2012 in Las Vegas. More information regarding the conference will be available soon. Plan to attend the conference and stay abreast of the latest IAT developments and features.

IAT has been developing dialing and messaging technology to the collections industry for over two decades. Located in Salt Lake City, IAT provides products not only for the United States but internationally. IAT offers solutions for larger collection companies with its advanced CT Center product, a premier predictive dialing and IVR messaging on-site solution. CT Impact is IAT’s cutting-edge hosted solution, which provides a combination of predictive dialing and broadcast messaging without the expense of hardware.

Next Article: Debt Collection Compliance: 10 Voices from the ...
