With the introduction of Texas Senate Bill 1863 (SB1863), city and county collection departments in Texas are now tasked with tracking a variety of financial and collections data and reporting the information to the Office of Court Administration Collection Improvement Program.

To help make the new reporting requirements simpler and more efficient, RevQ added to Revenue Results the SB1863 module that allows Texas cities and counties to effortlessly comply with the mandates set forth in the Bill.

The SB1863 module is designed to be user-friendly, and after initial set up the user may proceed with normal daily collection tasks. At the mandated reporting time, reports can be generated to provide all required information by the state for all court levels (district, county, justice and municipal). All reports generated by this new module automatically match state specifications to eliminate additional formatting, spreadsheets and com¬plicated data extracts.

The module also records all required information and synthesizes it into three categories, 1) fines/total fine, 2) court costs and 3) fees.

For each category, the system will track and report the following:

  • Dollar amount assessed in a period
  • Dollar amount collected in a period
  • Dollar amount waived (indigent and non-indigent)
  • Dollar amount of credit for jail time served
  • Dollar amount of credit for community service
  • Time span (aging) from date of assessment through date of payment

RevQ., part of the Columbia Ultimate family of companies, provides collection software solutions and consulting services to improve collections success in governments nationwide. RevQ leverages leading collections tools, techniques and technologies with its unparalleled collective government experience and capabilities to deliver compliance improvements and results critical for today’s courts, taxation and other public sector entities.

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