European debt buyer and collection agency Intrum Justitia Friday released the results of its annual meeting held Thursday in Stockholm, Sweden, where the company is based. Intrum declared an annual dividend and elected its board at the meeting.

Intrum, one of the largest debt collection companies in Europe, said that it would be paying a dividend of SEK 3.25 ($0.55) per share to shareholders of record on April 15, 2008. The company anticipates the payments being made on April 18, 2008. The dividend last year was $0.46 per share. Intrum is traded on the Nordic Exchange in Stockholm under the symbol IJ.

The company also announced the re-election of the entire board of directors, including chairman Lars Lundquist and deputy chairman Bo Ingemarson. In addition to Lundquist and Ingemarson, the board is comprised of Matts Ekman, Ársæll Hafsteinsson, Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, Lars Förberg, and Lars Wollung. Ekman and Hafsteinsson were added to the board at last year’s annual meeting.

In addition to the board’s composition, compensation for each member of the board was also approved. Chairman Lundquist will receive $126,000 and each other member of the board will be paid $50,000.

The annual general meeting also approved the board of directors’ proposal regarding a performance-based share program. The program is proposed to have a duration of four and five years, respectively, including the performance period, and to comprise of not more than 300,000 performance shares allocated to not more than 70 persons including the managing director, other key executives and key managers.

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