For the fourth consecutive year, Leeds-based debt purchaser Lowell Group has been ranked number one in an index of all the main credit management and debt collection companies in Europe, prepared by industry consultants OC&C. The index takes into account both past performance and future strategy.

The report, which was produced in association with UK industry magazine Credit Today, said about Lowell:

“Sustaining a tremendous growth trajectory that started in the mid-2000s and has continued unabated through the recession, Lowell has scaled up without compromising operational performance; it shows industry-leading collections performance for its own collectors as well as a data advantage……Furthermore, with some clients the business has established true partnership arrangements, working together earlier in the debt cycle to increase the value that can be shared.”

Consultants OC&C used a combination of quantitative and qualitative data to allocate scores in four different performance categories – financial performance, operational efficiency, strategy, and scope and innovation – which were aggregated to create the index score.

Lowell Group scored very highly on all four categories, which earned it the number one position in the overall index.

James Cornell, Lowell Group’s chief executive officer, commented: “Everyone in Team Lowell is very proud of this achievement. Our vision, to develop better people, better practices and better systems to deliver better results, has served us well and we have maintained strong performance against a tough economic background. Taking into account future plans as well as past performance, the index is a fantastic endorsement of what we do.”

James added: “We look forward to realising some of the future plans that have helped us to secure this endorsement, and maximising the opportunities presented by our new investment from TDR Capital who are very supportive of our ambitious yet realistic plans to deliver even better results. The focus at ‘Land of Lowell’ remains on continuing to advance our technology, enhance best practice and nurture our talent.”

Formed in 2004, Lowell Group is a specialist debt purchasing company. Lowell Group buys consumer debts from a range of organisations and then manages the recovery of those debts, working closely with each customer to agree a suitable and affordable repayment solution. Today the business employs more than 500 people at its state-of-the art HQ and customer contact centres in Leeds and Preston.

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