by Patrick Lunsford,

Metro Parent Magazine, a Greater-Milwaukee family resource magazine, has selected collection law firm Rausch, Sturm, Israel & Hornik as a recipient of their ?2006 Family Friendly? award.

Close to 300 people attended the Second Annual Metro Parent Awards, held at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee on September 15, 2006, and which featured Good Morning America?s parenting expert, Ann Pleshette Murphy. The award winners were nominated by their employees for their willingness to offer benefits that help employees achieve a better work/life balance.

Bill Sturm, Sr., CEO of Rausch, Sturm, Israel & Hornik, realizes that the typical 8am to 5pm workday doesn?t accommodate all his employees, and that both the firm and its employees benefit from being able to have a ?flexible? schedule. ?If you don?t do it, you lose a lot of very talented individuals,? said Sturm.

Brenda Witthun, a RSIH employee for over 5 years agrees that without the company?s flexible scheduling ?it would be difficult to juggle everything in this go, go, go world!?

Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rausch, Sturm, Israel & Hornik was founded in 1977. The company provides retail and commercial collection services as well as litigation support and skip tracing help.

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